
  • 3 August 2022
  • 0 replies

This article covers the setEvents() function as part of the UI Library.

The UI Library is a mixed bag of Javascript extensions for programming UI controls in USoft web pages. Do not confuse with the structured UDB object model for data exchange between USoft web pages and a Rules Engine.

 To make sure events on a control are triggered in the right order, an abstraction layer has been build. In some situations this layer essential for the proper behavior of the application. For example, if a button is added to each row of a grid, it is essential that clicking the button first changes the current row before firing the actual click event of the button.

In addition, the layer takes care of the following issues:

  • Making sure that the right context is used (see Web Architecture document).
  • Redirecting certain events to the udb layer
  • Serving as entry point for benchmark to be able to record tests

To access this layer, call the .setEvents() function. This function returns nothing.


.setEvents( event-object, events, options )

options := {
match: match,
exclude: exclude,
dsId: alternative-data-source,
selector: selector,
benchmark: benchmark

The required event-object is a JQuery object (the value of event-object starts with a '$' symbol) that references the event object. The required events is an object that contains a list of events and their handlers.

The optional options is a struct that can have the following items, all of which are optional.

Match is a regular expression that specifies the subset of events to bind. The default is /.*/

Exclude is a regular expression that specifies the events to be excluded from binding. The default is


dsId is a string indicating an alternative data source ID.

Selector is a string pointing to a descendant of $e binding it as an delegate.

Benchmark is a boolean indicating whether the events are relevant for benchmarking. The default is true.


this.setEvents($el,, {match: /change/});


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