This article is about role as a concept in SBVR conceptual modelling and USoft Studio diagramming. This is completely different from role in USoft Definer and USoft Authorizer as an authorisation concept in USoft implementations.
Naming, colour-coding:
SBVR, graphism:
USoft Studio, graphism:
(free-floating role names:)
(role names connected to the line end by a dotted line:)
(role box:)
USoft Studio, declaration patterns:
There are no specific declaration patterns that allow USoft Studio to understand that you are creating a role rather than a regular noun concept (a so-called general concept). Below are just 3 suggestions for formulations you can use when creating a role.
About roles
General concepts vs. roles
A role is a noun concept that corresponds to things based on their playing a part in a verb concept. Person in the example is a general concept, but employee is a role because it is based on persons playing a part in labour contracts. It is about people playing a role in the verb concept ‘person works for company’. Unlike general concepts, roles are an integral part of the binary verb concept they belong to.
USoft usually just talks about "(regular) noun concepts”, but SBVR is specific: a general concept is a noun concept that is not a role and not an individual concept.
A role does not have a definition of its own. Its meaning depends completely on the meaning of the verb concept it belongs to.
Do you really need to make the distinction?
In a USoft context, the distinction betweeen general concept and role can appear tenuous. Compare Example 1 and Example 2.
Example 1
Example 2
Practitioners on USoft projects can have a tendancy to model Example 2, which is close to data modelling. Example 1 is more correct from a business modelling point of view. There is a practical trade-off, because USoft Studio is not yet able to recognise an occurrence of the verb concept in rule formulations such as "… a person's date of birth ...”. This is a shortcoming of the toolware, because linguistically, this is automatable. It is derivable that this formulation is an occurrence of the verb concept not just of Example 1 but also of Example 2.
The role concept is also helpful to keep in mind at times when you are making sense of a business reality. In the following case, booker could become the name of your foreign key column in the relationship:
If making a booking is exactly what a person turns into a client, then model:
Some noun concepts fit the role concept like a glove: trainer and trainee in:
Categories vs. roles
At a tour operator, if bookers are persons in their role of persons booking tours (that is: if that is what distinguishes them from non-booker persons), then model a role and not a category, even if it is true that bookers are a subset of persons: