This property of the usoft-zero template default applies only to your Development environment.
In Development, when testing and debugging, it can be a great help to get the application to go automatically to the page that you are working on. This feature is only appropriate in Development.
When browsing the UI, pass this query parameter in the URL:
On startup, the application will now browse page.
This will only work if the browsed page does not take information from another page that is intended to be navigated as a previous step. If you have a DetailPage PERSON with details about a specific person selected previously in your application in an InfoPage PERSON, then (the names are just a suggestion):
- Create subclasses “InfoPage_1 PERSON” and “DetailPage_1 PERSON”.
- Make sure your cover page navigates to "InfoPage_1 Person” and not the default ”InfoPage PERSON”.
- Make sure your "InfoPage_1 PERSON” navigates to "DetailPage_1 PERSON” and not to the default "DetailPage PERSON”.
You are now ready to develop, test and debug the solution by browsing with option
In this example, the default start page option is combined with the auto login option: