
  • 18 July 2022
  • 1 reply

This article is about the Tables method of the USMeta internal component.


At runtime, gets metadata information about tables from the model developed in USoft Definer. This includes Database Tables, Logical Views, and Component Tables. For each retrieved table, this information takes the form of name/value pairs:

Name Value

If the table is not from a consumed module: the current application name.

If you are calling from a USoft application, this is the USoft application name, eg., USD for USoft Definer.

If you are calling from a User Application, this is the User Application name, eg. SALES.

If the table is from a consumed module: the name of the consumed module.


If the table is from a module loaded by the current application (either directly or indirectly via an intermediate module): the value of the Interface attribute (Y or N) as registered for the table in the module .CON file.

Otherwise, 'N’.

"Usable as interface” does not automatically imply that the table is actually used as interface by the consumer.

If the consumer has not synchronised with the provider, the table may have USABLE_AS_INTERFACE="Y” but it does not appear as "Interface Table” in the consumer's Definer.

If the consumer has synchronised with the provider, the table appears as “interface Table” in the consumer's Definer and the USMeta.Tables() call from the consumer application returns a <Consumed_in_Modules> entry, see below this table.

This still does not mean the table is actually used as interface. Not until the consumer actually refers to the Interface Table in (eg.) constraint SQL can the table be said to be used by the consumer as interface.

PHYSICAL_NAME Name of the physical table in the RDBMS. Always same as TABLE_NAME, except for subtype tables with Create Separate Table = No.

If the table is a Database Table: DATABASE

If the table is a Component Table: COMPONENT

If the table is a Logical View: LOGICAL VIEW


If Supertype Table is not null: Y

If Supertype Table is null: N


Does not appear in the output if IS_SUBTYPE = 'N’

Supertype Table


Does not appear in the output if IS_SUBTYPE = 'N’

Delete Super on Delete (Y or N)


Does not appear in the output if IS_SUBTYPE = 'N’

Create Separate Table (Y or N)


If a Datatable Table, the number of columns of type Database in the table.

If a Logical View, the total number of columns in the Logical View.


If a Database Table, the number of columns of type Virtual in the table.

If a Logical View, the number 0 (zero).

NR_OF_INDEXES The number of indexes on the table
INSERT_ALLOWED Y if the user calling usmeta.tables() has insert rights on the table, otherwise N.
UPDATE_ALLOWED Y if the user calling usmeta.tables() has update rights on the table, otherwise N.
DELETE_ALLOWED Y if the user calling usmeta.tables() has delete rights on the table, otherwise N.

If the table is has USABLE_AS_INTERFACE = ‘Y’ AND the Definer environment of an in-scope consumer has synchronised with the module .CON file, so that the table is visible as "Interface Table” in that Definer environment, then that consumer appears in a "Consumed_In_Modules” list of child elements, for example:



SELECT USMeta.Tables(
    table-name-pattern Tables
,   include-database-tables IncludeDatabaseTables
,   include-logical-views IncludeViews
,   include-component-tables IncludeComponentTables
,   interfaces-only InterfacesOnly
,   module-pattern Module
,   mime-type MimeType

include-database-tables ::= { yes-value | no-value }
include-logical-views ::= { yes-value | no-value }
include-component-tables ::= { yes-value | no-value }

interfaces-only ::= { yes-value | no-value }

yes-value ::= { 'yes', 'Y', 'true', '1' }
no-value ::= (A value other than a yes-value)

mime-type ::= { application/xml
, xml
, application/json
, json }

All parameters are optional. Parameter values that you supply are mapped to parameters by alias name. The 'No' value in the following example is for include-logical-views because of the "IncludeViews" alias:

SELECT   USMeta.Tables( 'No' IncludeViews )

For backward compatibility only, it is possible to supply parameter values by position. Using this syntax, a list of non-aliased values maps to the parameter list in the order stated, with empty values at the end of the list if you supply less than 5 values, and '' (the empty string) as a way of explicitly declaring an empty value.

Table-name-pattern is a regular expression that matches zero, one or more table names in the model. The result data is limited to tables matching the pattern. If table-name-pattern is omitted, then result data is not limited in this way.

If include-database-tables is set to 'yes' (the default), all database tables are included in the result, including interface tables that are database tables in the provider module.

If include-logical-views is set to 'yes' (the default), all logical views are included in the result, including interface tables that are logical views in the provider module.

If include-component-tables is set to 'yes' (the default), all component tables are included in the result, including interface tables that are component tables in the provider module.

If interfaces-only is set to 'yes', only tables that have the Interface = Yes flag are included. Do not confuse this category with the category of tables listed in the Definer Catalog as "Interface Tables", that is, tables provided by other modules. The default of interfaces-only is 'no', meaning that tables are included regardless of the value of their Interface flag.

Module-pattern is a regular expression that matches zero, one or more module names in the model. The result data is limited to tables within modules matching the pattern. Any tables that are consumed from a different module which is filtered out by the regular expression, will show two additional fields 'INTERFACE_FROM_MODULE', which will be 'Y', and 'IMPLEMENTING_MODULE', which will contain the module name where the table originates from. The 'MODULE_NAME' field will in this case contain the name of the module in which the interface was consumed. If module-pattern is omitted, then the result data is not limited in this way.

Yes-value is a string value in the set { 'yes’, 'Y’, 'true’, '1’ }, regardless of case. No-value is any other value.

Mime-type determines whether the output is in XML ( ‘application/xml‘ or 'xml’) or in JSON ('application/json’ or 'json’). The default is XML.

Example 1

This example returns table information about the DISCOUNT table.

SELECT USMeta.Tables( 'DISCOUNT' Tables )

The return value of this statement could be:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

Example 2

This example returns table information about all database tables that have a table name starting with 'P' followed only by other letters, such as 'PERSON' and 'PARTICIPANT' but not 'P_TOTAL'. Logical Views and Component Tables are not included.

SELECT USMeta.Tables(
'^P[A-Z]*$' Tables
, 'yes' IncludeDatabaseTables
, 'no' IncludeViews
, 'no' IncludeComponentTables

Example 3

You can use USMeta.Tables() to determine exactly what type(s) of table you want to export with XML.MultiExportTables.

For example, you can export only database tables and not other types of table such as component tables and logical views. This is discussed in detail in Example 3 of XML.MultiExportTables.

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Notice! that USMeta.Tables() only returns information on tables that the user has access to. In other words: the user must have foreground select privileges in order to see the table information for a table.
