
  • 2 August 2022
  • 0 replies

This article is about the values() function of the Rows object.


Gets or sets one or more values in one or more rows.

To address a specific value in a specific row, use Cols.val() instead.

Returns a Promise object or the 'this' object. From USoft 10.0.1I, returns a udbPromise instead of a Promise object.


rows.values( values, promise )

promise ::= { true | false }

The required values is an object that specifies values for one or multiple columns of the row(s) in scope.

If the optional promise has the value of 'true' (the default), a Promise object is returned. The .then() clause for this Promise is executed once all Promises created by the function passed to .each() have been settled. If promise has the value of 'false', the ‘this’ object (the row sets collection) is returned instead.


$.udb('EMP').rows('current').values({NAME: 'JOHNSON', FIRST_NAME: 'PAUL'})
.each(function() {


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