
  • 2 August 2022
  • 0 replies

This article is about the rowRemove() function of the Rows object.


Removes records from the client browser. Use this function to remove/hide records in the client screen without having to check at the server if this is possible or not.

Contrast with Rows.rowDelete() which deletes records from the database.

Returns a Promise object or the 'this' object. From USoft 10.0.1I, returns a udbPromise instead of a Promise object.


rows.rowRemove( options )

options ::= {
check: check-function,
promise: promise,
success: success-function,
error: error-function

promise ::= { true | false }

Options is a struct that can have the following items, all of which are optional.

Check-function is a function called before the records are deleted. Use the return value of this function to determine whether or not you want the rows to be removed.

Promise determines the return value of this function. If promise has the value of 'true' (the default), a Promise object is returned. If promise has the value of 'false', the ‘this’ object is returned instead.

Success-function is a function called after the records are successfully removed.

Error-function is a function called if an error occurs.

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