UDB DataSourceContainer object

This article is about the DataSourceContainer object in the UDB object model. This model is for data exchange between USoft web UIs and Rules Engines.

This model is built around the udb, DataSourceMetaContainer, DataSourceContainer, Rowset, Rows, ColsMeta, and Cols object types. See also UDB events.

A DataSourceContainer object contains one or more specified data sources.


$.udb( ds )

The optional ds is a data source selector. If you do not specify ds, all the data sources in scope are returned.


var dsc = $.udb();
var dsc = $.udb('EMP');
var dsc = $.udb(['EMP','DEPT']);

Alternatively, instead of using data source names, you can identify data sources by ID. Additionally, you can identify data sources with the help of data source paths, pages, frame controls, and meta-selectors. All the options explained for $.udbMeta() also apply to $.udb().

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