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New look and feel for user interface in USoft 10.0.1I

  • 30 August 2022
  • 0 replies

New look and feel of the user interface in USoft 10.0.1I


USoft is pleased to announce the latest release of its low-code development platform.


Some highlighted developments and new features in this version


New look and feel for the user interface

To meet end user requests, a new look and feel for the platform is provided, both for the different components of the tool set, such as the Definer, as for the client server Windows application. The new skin is in addition to the already provided skins, making it possible for an end user, be it a developer or a USoft application user, to choose the interface he or she is most comfortable with. This new look and feel will also more closely integrate the USoft platform with USoft Studio.


Health check of the Rules Service

A new function has been added making it possible to check the status of a Rules Service at runtime. This makes it possible for a developer using the USoft platform, to create automated checks on the status of the Rules Service and identify emerging problems early on. Because the new health check provides detailed information on the issues, the appropriate mitigating actions can be implemented.


JSON export of application data

In addition to the XML export facilities already provided, it is now also possible the export data in JSON format. This new export format makes it possible to more flexibly connect to external information systems.


Further integration of documentation

The detailed technical documentation of the USoft Platform has been moved to the USoft Community website, as a step to integrate all available resources and references into one knowledge base, thereby providing a "Single Point of Truth”.


Registered members of the USoft Customer Platform can find further details in the release notes:  USoft 10.0.1I release notes

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