Service Framework server healthcheck

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You can run a health check utility on a USoft server. A USoft server is part of the USoft Service Framework. A USoft server exposes a collection of web services for the benefit of USoft applications. A USoft server is developed and published from the USoft Service Definer tool.

To run a server health check, browse:


where port is the Windows Service port number of the Service Framework server you want to check, for example:


Exposing the health check utility

To expose the health check utility on the server, make sure that in the config.xml file for the server, the advertise attribute has the HealthCheckResource mention: for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Server name="..."
... advertise="GenericResource,AdminResource,LoggingResource,HealthCheckResource,GenericExceptionHandler,"

Service Definer generates this HealthCheckResource mention for you if you publish the server with the Allow Health Checks = Yes flag. Find this flag in the Administration tab on the window for the Server.

Limiting access to specific IP addresses

You can limit access to the health check utility by enumerating specific IP addresses from which it may be called. To do this, include a section such as the following in the server's config.xml file:

<Address range=""/>
<Address range=""/>

Make sure this section has the <Server> element as its parent element.


If the server exposes multiple services, visiting the /health endpoint returns a 200 (OK) status only if all the services are deemed healthy. If not, error statuses can come from any of the services exposed.

If the server exposes a Rules Service, visiting the /health endpoint

  • Returns a 200 (OK) status if all is well.
  • Returns a 503 Service Unavailable status if the Rules Service is not running.
  • If access to the /health endpoint is not allowed, a 403 (forbidden) is reported, showing the IP that was forbidden.
  • Returns a 403 Forbidden status if access to the /health endpoint is not allowed. The response shows the IP from which access is being forbidden.

If the server exposes a Page Engine service for a USoft web application, visiting the /health endpoint:

  • Returns a 200 (OK) status if the file path to the publication directory for the web application is found.
  • Returns a 503 status if the file path to the publication directory is not found.

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