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How to fetch and save a “Query Definition”.
An EndUser wants to save and re-use a QueryDefinition


Hi Bernt,

Using the ALT+F2 shortkey to display and edit a previous query definition would be closest to what you would like to achieve, since storing and re-using previous query definitions is not a standard feature within the USoft GUI.

More on executing queries:

Though technically it should be possible to build such a custom functionality by storing field values into a separate table, maybe by using a save button and placing it on the window that you want to use for storing the queries.  Based upon the relationship of the "storied queries" table, perhaps you can do lookups on that "stored queries" table to refill the fields with previous values. This would be window specific I guess...


thanks for reply

It would be nice to have such function :slight_smile:

Glad to help out Bernt, I have submitted your suggestion with our engineers so they can consider it.
