Event production Example 2: Job that processes queued output events

  • 7 January 2021
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The following step-by-step instructions are for creating a job that processes output events.

The events have been stored in a queue table as an XML message. The queue table is called OUTPUT_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR.  

Creating a job that processes output events

Processing a queue must operate row-by-row. The ID field is used as a handle to identify each queue message to be processed. For debugging purposes, if a processing action fails, it is useful to keep error information in the queue table. This gives you the possibility to see what went wrong with a message and reproduce the problem.

To create a job processing output events:

1. Define a SQL Task that starts collecting errors:

SELECT    RulesEngine.StartCatchingErrors('Yes')

Define this SQL Task as a Job Task in a new job called PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR.

2. Define another SQL Task that processes the next item in the queue:

INVOKE    http.send WITH
SELECT 'http://travel.com/guideScheduler'
, queue.xml_message
FROM output_queue_schedtour queue
WHERE ID = ( select message_id from IN_PROCESS_MESSAGE )

Add this SQL Task as a Job Task to the PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR job.

'http://travel.com/guideScheduler' is the URL where the output event must be sent. Use your own address here.

3. Define another SQL Task that catches any errors encountered during processing the most recent item.

First, define an External Set named IN_PROCESS_MESSAGE that will store any caught errors:

Element Name Data Type

Define this External Set as being the Input Parameter Set of the PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR job.

Define a SQL Task:

UPDATE    in_process_message
SET error_msg = RulesEngine.GetLastCaughtErrors()

Add this SQL Task as a Job Task to the PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR job.

4. Define a SQL Task that stops collecting errors:

SELECT    RulesEngine.StopCatchingErrors()

Add this SQL Task as a Job Task to the PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR job.

5. Define a SQL Task that gets the message status:

UPDATE    output_queue_schedtour
, error_message
) =
SELECT DECODE( error_msg, null, 'DONE', 'ERROR' )
, error_msg
FROM in_process_message
WHERE id =
SELECT message_id
FROM in_process_message

Add this SQL Task as a Job Task to the PROCESS_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR job.

6. Set Commit Type and Abort Mode attributes for the individual Job Tasks as follows:

Job Task Executes Commit Type Abort Mode
SELECT  RulesEngine.StartCatchingErrors('Yes') Task Abort Job On Error
INVOKE  http.send Task Abort Task On Error
UPDATE  in_process_message Task Abort Task On Error
SELECT  RulesEngine.StopCatchingErrors() Task Abort Job On Error
UPDATE  input_queue_reservation Task Abort Job On Error

7. Validate the job.

Testing the implementation

1. Start the default client/server application.

2. Add some event messages in the queue table with:

Status: NONE

XML Message: (A message in USoft's XML.Export format as applied to the SCHEDTOUR table, for example:)

<Scheduled_Tours documentName="Scheduled Tours">

3. Open SQL Command from the Tools menu and execute:

, 'True' "-quiet"

making sure that 1 is an ID in the OUTPUT_QUEUE_SCHEDTOUR table.

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