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First check if the variable you want to create or set already exists as a predefined or user-defined source variable.

To view predefined source variables:

1. Choose Define, Source variables, Predefined from the menu.

Each predefined source variable is for an absolute path. Its value contains backslashes but not forward slashes, and does not end in a backslash.

To view user-defined source variables:

1. Choose Define, Source variables, User-defined from the menu.

To create or set a user-defined source variable:

1. Choose Define, Source variables, User-defined from the menu.

2. In the Name column, type the name of your source variable.

The name must start with ${ and end with }. The name contained by the curly braces must start with a letter (a-z, A-Z), and the rest of that name must be made up of alphanumeric characters. Full stops, hyphens and underscores are also allowed.

Source variable names are case-sensitive. You are not allowed to create 2 source variable names that overlap, or that would overlap if it were not for the lowercase/uppercase distinction.

3. In the Value column, type the value of your source variable, and save work. The value can be any text string:


A source variable may refer to another source variable (recursive substitution): 


A typical use of source variables is to help represent absolute paths to folders and files. When creating this type of variable, make sure its value starts with a drive letter or a shared drive abbreviation, that it contains backslashes but no forward slashes, and that it does not end in a backslash. For example:

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