Anonymous authentication

  • 7 January 2021
  • 0 replies

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Anonymous authentication gives you anonymous access to a website or web API, without prompting for a user name or password.

You can use anonymous authentication to give free access to resources, resources that do not need any credentials when accessing them.

For example, a travel agency resource that returns last-minute advertised by the agency does not need any authentication, but a resource that makes a reservation must be protected by credentials.

How to explicitly specify anonymous authentication for a service

1. In Service Definer, open the window for the service that does not need any credentials from the user.

2.  Set the Annotation attribute of the service to

@AuthNone(user="username", password="password")

where username and password are valid USoft credentials from Authorizer. These credentials are used by the Service Framework to connect to the Rules Service.

You can also explicitly set USoft authentication on an individual method of the service. Do this by setting the Annotation attribute of that method to :

@AuthNone(user="username" password="password")

You can use @AuthNone without user name and password, and this construction will throw an 404 http status code if a connection to the rule service is needed. This is useful to static content, like files, where no connection to the rule engine is needed.

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